Friday, May 9, 2014

May Practice Schedule

Wednesday May 14th Group 4-5 pm, Privates available 5-6 pm
Optional - Friday May 16th 4-6 pm
Saturday May 17th Group 10-11 am, Privates available 11-12 am
Wednesday May 21 Group  4-5 pm, Privates available 5-6 pm
Friday May 23rd Group 4-5 pm , Privates available 5-6 pm
Wednesday May 28 Group 4-5 pm, Privates available 5-6 pm
 Optional - Friday May 16th 4-6 pm
Saturday May 31 Group 10-11 am, Privates available 11-12 am

Here is our practice schedule for May. Please keep in mind that it will vary based on weather, but especially because I am now in my peak competition season, and will vary based off of my competittions... but this is my best guess!  As we all saw on Wednesday, there appears to be a growing mass of people on the runway from the other vault club. Unfortunately I do not have any control over the facility, and so have no control over how many people end up on the runway if they show up as well. We are working on fixing that problem, but for now it is what it is. Semi-Private lessons in the future will still be at full charge regardless of how many kids end up on the runway outside of my control. Sorry for the mess (and unpleasant viewing)... We are working on it!